Australian actor, Hugh Jackman is currently enjoying life in the United Kingdom. The 54-year-old actor who is well known for his role as Wolverine in the...
Habibat Oyindamola Tinubu is a US-based model, singer and music video vixen.The graduate of Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts, United State has built a...
Dr. Terry Eguaoje has been named as part of the coaching staff of the Nigeria’s senior Women’s national football team to the World Cup. This July,...
Young Nigerians have been putting the nation on the map of greatness around the world with their achievements in a variety of fields including music, movies,...
Nigeria, a nation rich in talent and culture, has produced a large number of great people who have excelled in their different disciplines. These Nigerians have...
In 1995, at age 16, Chinedu Echeruo traveled from Nigeria to New York. He graduated with a B.Sc. at Syracuse University and later proceeded to Harvard...
Pearlena Igbokwe’s life has always been influenced by television. When she was 6 years old, her family emigrated to the United States from Nigeria, where a...