In the 1980s, popular entertainers such as Chris Okotie, Sonny Okosun, and Ebenezer Obey publicly announced their decision to devote themselves to the Christian faith. In...
Instagram has grown to be one of the most influential apps available today. Its applications range from public relations to brand promotion, marketing, and broadcasting. Celebrities...
If there is one profession in which its practitioners are more likely to end up in prison, it is that of a rapper. Rappers and prisons...
History has an uncanny ability to recycle itself. For example, a parallel is being drawn between the plight of the beleaguered Abba Kyari in the Ramo...
In a situation where one is having a confrontation with the police, or when one is being arrested for an alleged offence, there are certain things...
Toun Okewale-Sonaiya, a renowned broadcaster, is the co-founder and CEO of Women Radio WFM, a gender sensitive and specialized radio station. WFM 91.7MHz, based in Arepo,...
A postal code is a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of...
In the late 90s and early 2000s, actor Charles Okafor featured in just about any hit Nollywood movie. The veteran actor, producer, director, entrepreneur and a...
The death of Edo-born business magnate, Captain Idahosa Wells Okunbo has been announced. The multibillionaire investor and trained commercial pilot died last night (Saturday) 12 months...
Edo-born business magnate, Captain Idahosa Wells Okunbo, is dead. The renowned philanthropist died after a year-long battle with pancreatic cancer. Okubo was diagnosed with cancer last...