Nichole Onome Yembra: Meet The “Daughter” Of Famous Actor, RMD
Nichole Onome Yembra is arguably the most well-known of the children of veteran actor, Richard Mofe-Damijo (RMD).
Her father has often times taken to social media to share photos of her as he exudes pride over some of her accomplishments.
In a particular post to celebrate her 30th birthday, he had a few words to encourage her to consider marriage.
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In another post, he celebrated her as she shook hands with former US President Barrack Obama.
Clearly, RMD is always proud to show off Onome.
So who is this daughter of the famed actor?
Nichole Onome Yembra is the stepdaughter of RMD. She is the only child of the style icon’s late wife May Ellen-Ezekiel (MEE). MEE was a once famous publisher of the defunct Classique Magazine.
MEE had Onome from a previous relationship.
The 36-year old Nichole Onome Yembra is an investor and entrepreneur.
She is the founder and managing director of The Chrysalis Company, which is behind The Chrysalis Capital Group.
The company is an early stage tech fund specializing in Africa and the Diaspora, and The Chrysalis Advisors, a strategy and investment advisory firm.

May Ellen-Ezekiel (MEE): RMD’s late wife and mother of Nicole Onome Yembra
Nichole Onome Yembra previously served as the CFO of the Venture Garden Group and the managing partner for Greenhouse Capital, VGG’s investment arm.
Venture Garden Group is a holding company of financial technology entities dedicated to innovative and data-driven solutions.
GreenHouse Capital, which launched formally in April 2016, began investments in startups since 2014 under the VGG umbrella.
The company has so far invested in AppZone, TutorNG, Flutterwave and a couple of other startups.
As someone committed to the success of women in the tech sphere, Nichole is also the founder of Greenhouse Lab, Nigeria’s first female-focused tech accelerator; and the Garden Women’s Network, an organisation focused on the development and retention of high-performing women in the Nigerian tech ecosystem. She was also a co-founder of Agni Fitness.
Nichole was one of the 200 participants of the inaugural Obama Foundation Leaders: Africa programme.
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In 2018, she was named one of the Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD).
In 2009, Nichole Onome Yembra received a bachelor’s in business administration from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, USA.
She also received a master’s in accounting at Wake Forest University in 2010.

RMD and little Onome